Volunteer To Stay Physically and Mentally Healthy

Consider the Facts

Working and/or volunteering: 

  • Keeps you socially active, prevents isolation, and can provide a sense of purpose.
  • Can be an opportunity for exploration of,  or return to lifelong interests.
  • Provides flexibility and more free-time.
  • Remaining in the workforce longer may increase social security benefits.

The Experienced Workforce Imitative (EWI) offers networking and skill-building opportunities for older adults. through job and volunteer fairs.

EWI is an initative of Age-Friendly Buncombe County (ABC) in collaboration with partner organizations and hosted by Mountain Area Workforce Development Board.

According to the Corporation for National Community & Service, the most common forms of volunteering are:

  • Collecting, serving, preparing, or distributing food
  • Fundraising or selling items to raise money
  • Engaging in general labor, like helping build homes or clean up parks
  • Tutoring or teaching
  • Mentoring the youth
  • Collecting, making, or distributing clothing

Take the initative, work or volunteer for the well-being of yourself and your community.

How To Volunteer As A Senior | Updated for 2021 | AgingInPlace.org. AgingInPlace.org. Published August 23, 2018. Accessed July 20, 2021. https://aginginplace.org/how-to-volunteer-as-a-senior/