Ouch - 60% of Older Workers Say Being Old Hurts Their Future Job Prospects


Age Discrimination

At 50+ years old, we ponder about our future job prospects.  

According to Forbes' Teresa Ghilarducci article and the McKinsey Consulting Group, 60% of older workers say being old hurts their future job prospects.

Additional Findings

“a wide variety of Americans—among them, women, people of color, and gay, lesbian, and bisexual respondents—said that they believe that their very identity negatively affected their job prospects.”

More at the Forbes article linked below.

Ghilarducci T. 60% of Older Workers Say Being Old Hurts Their Future Job Prospects. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/teresaghilarducci/2021/08/24/60--of-older-workers-say-being-old-hurts-their-future-job-prospects/?sh=1c352cd6380d. Published August 25, 2021. Accessed August 26, 2021.