the New Workplace Environments for the 50+


50+ Left the Workplace

The workforce in America needs to the 50+ plus community.  

Given the top reasons why the 50+ demographic left the workplace, is it possible to reverse the reasons given the exceptional need for employees?

In November alone, 4.5 million Americans quit their jobs — the highest monthly total since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began tracking those figures in 2000.

AARP is helping workers adjust to a new reality, by Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO, AARP, April 5, 2022 - COVID-19 and the New Workplace

Top Reasons for Leaving Employment 

With each major reason for leaving employments, there are some thoughts of employment or volunteering opportunity.


Retirement for many can mean working, less hours or with a flexible schedule.  Volunteering is a wonderful extension of applying a workers' lifelong experiences.  Mentors are also need.

Health Problems

Managing a health condition could provide options.  For some, having had a professional career working from a chair could lead to health benefits with a new job requiring reasonable mobility.  

Undervalued or Underpaid

The economics of needing employees in America has led to pay rate increases.  With soft skills that are valued by employers, new and meaningful employment can be found.


With vaccinations and booster shots reaching new heights, COVID may become less of a concern.  Additionally, work from home (WFH) and other settings are available with less direct interactions.

Asheville 50+

The Experienced Workforce Initiative or EWI of Western North Carolina continues to advocate for the 50+ worker with programs including online and collaborations with other experienced workers.

See the May 2022 calendar of workshops that get results for opportunities to grow your lifelong skills.


Ann, Jo. 2022. “COVID-19 Pandemic and the New Workplace.” AARP. April 5, 2022.